New Regulations on Civil Defense Effective 2nd of May 2017
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation has significantly amended existing Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 2nd of November 200 No. 841 “On approval of Regulations on civil defense training of citizenry “.
Therefore starting from 2nd of May 2017 all Companies apart from development of personnel and internal services training programs, as well as other working programs of personnel civil defense training and creation of respective training and knowledge facilities (knowledge bases) now are obliged:
- develop of initial training program on civil defense;
- arrange and conduct initial training on civil defense for all new hires within a month after joining the Company, and
- plan and conduct drills and trainings on civil defense.
Examples of additional professional programs and programs of civil defense course training are developed by Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters which are recommended to use as guidance for development of respective local documents of the Company.
Disregarding of above requirements may lead to administrative fines in the amount of up to RUB 20 000 on Company officials and up to RUB 200 000 on the Company itself.