Evaluation of working conditions

Since January 1, 2015, amendments to Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 421-FZ of 28.12.2013, concerning special assessment of working conditions had entered into effect.

  • According to the Law, all employers shall assess working conditions of all workplaces, including offices every five years;
  • If the certification of labor conditions was performed before January 1, 2014, a special assessment of working conditions at such workplaces may be dispensed within five years from the certification completion date;
  • Employers shall notify their employees on the results of the special assessment of working conditions against written acknowledgement;
  • Liability for violating occupational health and safety legislation is regulated by a separate article of the Russian Administrative Code.

Fine amounts were increased

Administrative Punishment
Company Official
(i) Violation of the established procedure for special assessment of working conditions or absence of special assessment of working conditions
Administrative fine
RUB 60,000–80,000
Administrative warning
or administrative fine
RUB 5,000–10,000
(ii) Failure to provide the results of the special assessment of working conditions to the regulator within 30 days upon assessment results approval
Repeated commitment of the administrative offences listed above by the Company or/and Company Official previously subjected to administrative punishment for a similar administrative offense
Administrative fine
RUB 100,000–200,000
or administrative activity suspension
for up to 90 calendar days
Administrative fine
RUB 30,000–40,000
or disqualification
(ban to hold managing positions)
from 1 to 3 years

Please be noted that Russian Administrative Code also provides the broad list of administrative punishments for incompliance with Occupational safety and health requirements, including but not limited to: non-providing the safe labor conditions to employees, failure to arrange for labor safety trainings, absence of training logs, admission to work of an employee without labor safety trainings and without testing of knowledge of occupational safety requirements etc.


  • We prepare a set of the required documents on occupational health and safety.
  • We prepare a set of the required documents on occupational health and safety, and offer a bilingual version of the Regulations when necessary.
  • Regular occupational health and safety services, log keeping and document updating.
  • Our partner, a properly accredited company, may assess special working conditions under a separate contract.