Military registration
All Companies are obliged to maintain military registration records of employees regardless of their legal form, ownership form and number of employees (paragraph 6 clause 1 article 8 of the Federal Law of May 31, 1996 No. 61-FZ), and also to create necessary conditions for employees to perform their military duties;
If military registration is not kept in the company or is kept incorrectly, the employer faces administrative fines in accordance with article 23.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
How ABU can help
1. Initial set-up of military registration compliance “turnkey” or preparation of required documents for the further registration of the Company for military registration:
- Application for military registration
- Organization card in form #18
- Order on the organization of military registration and appointment of the person responsible for maintaining military registration
- Registration information about the Company
(INN, OGRN, statistics codes, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities) - Application for military registration
- Organization card in form #18
- Plan of work for maintaining records
- Order on the organization of military registration and appointment of the person responsible for military registration
- Certificate from the district administration
Documents required for registration with the Administration or Territorial Administration | Documents required for registration with the Military Commissariat |
2. On-going maintenance of military records:
- Preparation and submission of information to the commissariat regarding new hires,
resignations, changes in personal data (marital status, education, organizational unit, position, residence or domicile, health status) of citizens subject to military registration - Preparation of the statutory form of notification to employee regarding necessity of visiting Military commissariat
- Keeping Form #10 up to date
- Maintenance of mandatory journals
- Identifying the military commissariat responsible
for each employee - Annual reconciliation of military records, contained in personal cards (Form # 10), with information, contained in employees’ military registration documents in Military Commissariat
- Preparation of a plan for military registration work for the following year
- Preparation of a report on the number of working and being in reserve citizens (Form #6)
- Organization’s registration card (Form #18)
Monthly: | Annually: |
3. Support during inspections
Military commissariats and local self-government bodies conduct inspections on the compliance of military registration in organizations with more than 500 employees annually, and in others, at least once per three years.Prior to the inspection, we will conduct an internal audit of all military registration documents and, if necessary, restore any of missing documents.
We can handle all communication with the inspecting authorities.